• +202 353 940 35
  • info@delemaralu.com
  • CEO Message

    Our group of companies tends to produce aluminum profiles based on the highest level of quality and the application of highest systems followed ASTM U.S, European quality standards, also obtain international quality certificates and that  to compete in European markets and the U.S. and African.

    Aim of innovation , excellence and integrity, and work to deliver our customers the best quality and the highest rate of satisfaction.

    Extends our innovation to bring new ideas, new methods, products and services form carefully and customized to suit the diverse needs of customers and markets.

    Our companies has developed a future  plan for future development and modernization, starting from the individual worker and the equipment and then the final product to maintain the highest quality we can provide to our customers everywhere, as well as maintaining the status expansion of our companies within the domestic and foreign markets.

    The philosophy is to design products suitable to the needs of the customer to suit the changing needs of our customers in Egypt and the world to suit different lifestyles and this philosophy is reflected in the diversity of our services, which led to increased demand for special systems in Delemar from the rest of the other profiles.

    Delmar is still expanding to provide services in the form of new products to prove that it has a creative energy and culture geared to customer satisfaction.


    Eng. Mahmoud Haroun
    Delemar CEO